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Ice cream mochi

Prep Time:

30 minutes, plus freezing

Cook Time:

15-20 minutes


10 portions




  • 1 cup glutinous rice flour

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 1/2 cup caster sugar

  • food colouring

  • extra rice flour for dusting

  • ice cream of your choice


Prepare the ice cream first - use a melon baller and scoop ball of your chosen ice cream, then pop them in the freezer while you prepare the mochi dough.

Add the flour and water to a saucepan and heat gently, stirring with a balloon whisk. When combined and the mixture is heating up, add the sugar and food colouring and keep stirring. It will thicken (about 15 minutes). Dust a clean surface with glutinous rice flour and turn out your dough onto it. Lightly knead the dough and roll it out (not too thin), then break into about 10 pieces of similar proportions. Roll into circles. Take an ice cream ball, place in the centre of the dough and pinch the sides together to wrap around the ice cream (cut off any excess dough). Give it a light roll in your hands before placing on a plate, then once you have used it all up, place it back into the freezer until ready to serve..


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